Willow Tree

Willow Tree - Soar

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  • £24.50
  • Regular price £28.00
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A gift for graduates or to celebrate special accomplishments encourage, support and acknowledge individual strength. "The gesture of the figurine and the bird communicates forward movement... being uplifted, moving onwards; a release of hopes, dreams and spirit; of new beginnings and of endings; in celebration of a life... or in anticipation of a life together. Thie piece could be a way to express best wishes to someone who is taking a new path in life; on a road to recovery from illness or towards self - improvement ...A hopeful symbol of peace for military families awaiting the return of their soliders ...An expression of sympathy to someone who has lost a loved one. The sentiment refers to the song Turn, Turn, Turn, written by Peter Seeger in 1959, adapted from the Book of Ecclesiastes. In the song, there's a contrast in each example ...'A time to be born/die, plant/reap, laugh/weep' and so on. I like the lyrical, repetitive nature of the phrasing. At significant milestones, we often pause and reflect before moving forward, so 'a time to reflect, a time to soar' semmed like a nice expression for this piece" - Susan Lordi. The figure includes a gift tag with sentiment 'a time to reflect, a time to soar'.
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